Thursday, October 20, 2011

Internet for 9.95 a month

Internet for 9.95 a month for students who receive free school lunches!

Technology is advancing far too quickly for our youth to be without basic internet services. Not only does their school work suffer, but their computer skills as well. Comcast has created Internet Essentials. It is available to households with children who receive free school lunches under the National School Lunch Program.

For more information, visit:

Street-Level Youth Media

After school media arts workshops meet twice per week for eight weeks, and are geared towards beginning to intermediate-level students.

All workshops are free and held out Street-Level Youth Media's new 5,250 sq ft multimedia center located at 1637 N. Ashland!

Workshop Flyer

Registration Form

Keeping Kids Safe From the Start: Preventing and Responding to Childhood Exposure to Violence

KEEPING KIDSSAFE FROM THE START: Preventing & Responding to Childhood Exposure to Violence
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Casa Central's Bitia Alfonso Auditorium
1335 North California Avenue (3rd Floor)
8:30-9am: Registration
9am-12pm: Training

Casa Central's Violence Prevention and Intervention Program is pleased to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month with an important (and free!) training

Participants will have the opportunity to network and learn from and with one another, and will also receive reproducible Spanish- and English-language handouts, activities and intervention resources.

Call (773) 645-2417 for more information
Click here to register.

Domestic Violence Awareness trainings through ICVP

“From Societal to Personal, how to Prevent Domestic Violence”

October 19, 2011 from 9:30-1:00

Guest speakers, Charlie Stoops, Ph.D. from Dominican University and the Center for Advancing Domestic Peace and Megan Rosado Direct Service Volunteer and Education Coordinator Connections for Abused Women and their Children talk about “From Societal to Personal, how to Prevent Domestic Violence”

Click here for more information on the training and how to register.

“How to prevent teen dating violence”

October 26, 2011 from 9:30-1:00

Learn to how to use practical tools that have been shown by research to be effective to prevent teen dating violence. You will receive information and resources in the areas of healthy relationships and teen dating violence to compliment youth-oriented programming.

Click here for more information on the training and how to register.

CEUs are available for both trainings!

PI support clinic

October 24, 2011 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Central States SER

3948 W. 26th St., Suite 213, Chicago

To register for the training, visit:

These sessions are free. They are sit-down, individualized sessions with members of the Pi Team for 45-minute time slots. Sites can discuss the program improvement process, site YPQA data, implementation challenges, or any questions related to supporting the Pi work at your individual site.

Who should attend: The participants can include youth workers or instructors, program coordinators, managers, funders, and other stakeholders. The training is also a great fit for new staff who are unfamiliar with the assessment tool, or as a refresher for staff preparing for a follow-up assessment.

Information on Selective enrollement and magnet school programs for youth

Options for Knowledge Presentations

There are still plenty of dates available to learn about selective enrollment (gifted) and magnet elementary schools and programs for youth. Get the latest information about how to apply, including the new online application. For information on selective enrollment and magnet options visit or call 773-553-2060.

Click here for the schedule of presentations.